The Power Of Power Naps

By Franklin Skribbit

Sometimes it seems like the gap between famous and starving artists is too large to breach - two extremes that are either super successful or not at all. However, there is a midway point that someone can meet in the middle by being neither famous nor starving. Here are a few of the creative and artistic careers that are consistently hiring.

Graphic Design

A well-rested brain has the power to not only affect your intellectual abilities, but also your attitude, motivation, and mood. Working for long periods of time can tire out your brain, causing you to get distracted more easily and perform your job with less efficiency. A quick power nap can reset the brain, allowing you to concentrate more on the task at hand.


Improved Health and Creativity

Seize the Day

This is a very specialized type of art that you cannot teach yourself. As the world of animation has grown, so has the technology that comes with it. While pursuing a degree in animation or multimedia art you will be taught how to use this technology and with practice you will be able to put together a portfolio of excellently executed multimedia art.

Interior Design

In a perfect world, we'd all get a great night's sleep at the end of every day. However, that's never really the case. Any number of factors, whether it's the neighbor's dog or the over-active heater, can fill our night with endless tossing and turning. Sleeping less than six hours per night can cause problems with health and awareness. Thankfully, power naps can help the body and brain deal with the consequences of a bad night's sleep.


A majority of people in the work force nowadays rely on coffee or caffeinated beverages in order to stay alert during the day. However, studies have shown the caffeine is responsible for a wide range of health problems. Naps are not only a healthier way to improve alertness, but have also been shown to do a better job of improving cognitive abilities than caffeine. Working a tough job or getting a degree in business administration might push you to the limit of what you can handle. If you need extra energy, try taking power naps to improve your ability to handle whatever life throws your way.

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